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This program is distributed as a Shareware product. The Copyright
is retained by American Precision Instruments (API). REGIT is a
registered trademark of API. The program may be freely copied,
placed on any bulletin board system, or otherwise freely
distributed. Shareware distributors may charge their standard
If you find REGIT Point-of-Sale to be practical, and intend to
publicly use it, then you must become a registered owner by
sending $60 to:
American Precision Instruments
2210 E. Highland Ave, #103-232
San Bernardino, CA 92404-4629
Owner's of earlier, commercial versions of REGIT Point-of-Sale are
automatically registered--no fees are required. However, you may
wish to notify us that you are using Version 3.0, so we can place
you on the correct mailing list.
Registrants will immediately be sent a user's manual; full
information and instructions for ordering API cash drawers,
printers, and other point-of-sale supplies (see manual); and, if
required, an updated version of REGIT Point-of-Sale. Please
indicate your version when registering. Updates will be
distributed through shareware or direct notification by API. API
has never, and will never, attempt to profit from our previous
customers and registrants by charging more than postage and
handling fees for new versions or updates.
Registrants will also be placed on our mailing list. Periodic
information on new versions and updates, printers, cash drawers,
bar code readers, and other point-of-sale supplies will be sent to
registered owners of REGIT Point-of-Sale.
R E G I T Point-of-Sale
Version 3.0
Cash Register/Inventory Control
Copyright (c) 1984-1990 by:
American Precision Instruments
2210 E. Highland Ave., #103-232
San Bernardino, CA 92404-4629
To Print This Manual ................................ 5
Using This Manual ................................... 5
Program Overview and Requirements ................... 5
Program Overview ................................. 5
System Requirements .............................. 7
Theory of Operation ................................. 7
Version History ..................................... 8
API Cash Drawers .................................... 8
API Supported Printers .............................. 8
Bar Code Support .................................... 9
User Feedback ....................................... 9
Site Licenses and Custom Programming ................ 9
Hard Drive Installation ............................. 10
Floppy Drive Limited System ........................ 11
A Practice Session .................................. 11
The Escape Key ...................................... 12
Date and Time ....................................... 13
The Windows ......................................... 14
The Transaction Window ........................... 14
The Help Window .................................. 14
The Input Window ................................. 15
The Output Window ................................ 15
Product Codes ....................................... 15
Control Codes ....................................... 15
Amount Tendered ..................................... 18
Tender Codes ........................................ 18
Function Keys ....................................... 20
Transaction Log ..................................... 21
Using the Transaction Log ........................ 21
Viewing and Printing the Transaction Log ......... 21
Saving the Transaction Log ....................... 22
Clearing the Transaction Log ..................... 22
Sales Report ........................................ 22
Customer Data File .................................. 23
To Use or Not to Use ............................. 23
Customer Code Numbers ............................ 23
Using the Customer Data File
-During a Transaction .......................... 24
Using the Customer Data File
-Independent of a Transaction .................. 25
File Access ......................................... 26
Enter Product Code ............................... 26
Product Description .............................. 26
Price ............................................ 27
Inventory Quantity ............................... 27
Reorder Point .................................... 27
Annual and Monthly Sales ......................... 27
Bottom Row ....................................... 28
Top Window ....................................... 28
Inventory Adjust .................................... 28
Price Adjust ........................................ 28
Clear Sales ......................................... 29
Update Master Database .............................. 30
How Often Should You Update the Master? .......... 30
What is Updated on the Master? ...................... 30
Step-by-Step Update Procedures ................... 31
Are You Backing Up Your Files? ................... 33
Combining Customer Files ............................ 33
Data File Reports ................................... 34
Reorder Reports ..................................... 35
Establishing a Reorder Quantity .................. 35
Selectively Using the Reorder Quantity ........... 36
Sales Reports ....................................... 37
Sales Tax Collected .............................. 37
Daily, Monthly, and Annual Sales Totals .......... 37
Adjustments to Sales Totals ...................... 37
Daily Sales Report ............................... 38
Annual/Monthly/Daily Sales Report ................ 38
Sale By Cashier/Department ....................... 39
Transaction and Sales Ratios Reports ............. 40
Customer File Reports ............................... 41
Report Format .................................... 41
Mailing Labels--Entire File ...................... 41
Selected Mailing Labels .......................... 41
Cash Register Defaults .............................. 42
Title ............................................ 42
Dollar Entry ..................................... 42
Bar Code Reader .................................. 42
Open Cash Drawer ................................. 43
Use Customer File ................................ 43
Use Daily Transaction Log ........................ 43
Require To Total By Cashier ...................... 43
Printers and Printing ............................... 43
Purchasing Considerations for Printers ........... 43
API Supported Printers ........................... 44
Printer Port ..................................... 45
Sales Receipt Formats ............................... 45
Print Sales Receipts ............................. 45
Paper Width/Pitch ................................ 45
Lines to Advance After Printing .................. 46
Select Receipt Format ............................ 46
Enter a Three Line Sales Receipt Title ........... 47
Enter a Three Line Message ....................... 47
Customer Name & Address Printed On Sales Receipt . 48
Printer Codes .................................... 48
Print a Sample Receipt ........................... 49
Our Favorite Sales Receipt ....................... 49
Sales Tax ........................................... 52
Entering the Sales Tax Rate ...................... 52
Determining the Rounding Method .................. 53
Password ............................................ 54
Selecting/Changing Your Password ................. 54
What is Password Protected ....................... 54
Entering the Password ............................ 55
Preventing Password Protection ................... 55
You Forgot Your What? ............................ 55
Screen - Color Select ............................... 57
APPENDIX I - Backup .................................. 58
APPENDIX II - REGIT Point-of-Sale Files .............. 59
APPENDIX III - System Limits ......................... 62
To print this manual, align your continuous feed paper to the top
of a page and at the DOS prompt type:
PRINT REGIT.DOC [Press Enter Key]
DOS will respond with something like "Name of list device [PRN]:".
As long as you are only using one printer (LPT1) just press the
[Enter] key and printing will begin. Be sure to have plenty of
paper, the manual is over 60 pages.
Do not be intimidated by the size of this manual. It was not
developed with the intention that it be read cover-to-cover, but to
provide a complete and detailed reference source for the owner.
You should skim through the table of contents and body of the
manual to get a good understanding of all that the program offers.
Then use it for reference when you need to know more about
operating a specific part of the program.
The program is simple to operate and anyone with even a little
experience on a personal computer should have no trouble quickly
becoming a pro.
Program Overview
REGIT Point-of-Sale transforms a PC into a powerful point-of-sale
cash register for retail and/or service businesses. The program
controls as many as 12,000 products. Product codes can be as long
as 16 characters which allows use of the Universal Product Codes
(UPC). A customer data file maintains names and addresses for up
to 10,000 customers.
During the basic transaction, product codes are entered and the
Transaction Window instantly displays the quantity, price, and
product description. When the transaction is completed, the
transaction is totaled, sales tax is applied, change is computed,
the cash drawer is opened, a receipt is printed, and inventory and
sales records are updated. Many options are available to the
cashier during a transaction, such as taxable/nontaxable/manual tax
sale, access customer file, inventory and price inquires, manual
dollar sales, quantity sales, and much more.
REGIT Point-of-Sale generates many reports including product
listings, inventory reports, sales reports (current and
historical), sales by cashier/department, sales by type of sale
(cash, check, credit, etc.), transaction log (emulates a cash
register backup tape), sales ratios report, reorder quantity
report, customer name and address report, mailing labels, and more.
Other features include, up to 25 character product descriptions,
versatile sales receipt options, master update allows many cash
registers to operate as one, automatic or manual sales tax,
automatic cash drawer, password protection, sales by cashier/
department, inventory and price inquiries, help windows, and
completely Menu driven.
And API provides sales support for automatic cash drawers,
printers, supplies, and soon bar code readers.
Some of the REGIT Point-of-Sale specific features include:
- Enter products by product code or dollar value.
- Will store 12,000 products.
- 1 to 16 character product codes.
- 25 character product descriptions.
- Instant response to your inputs.
- Password protection.
- Customer database can store names and addresses for 10,000
- Customer database accessible during transaction.
- Customer reports printed.
- Customer mailing labels printed.
- Subtotal continuously displayed during transaction.
- Inventories displayed during transaction.
- Inventory inquiries without affecting ongoing transaction.
- Price quotes without affecting ongoing transaction.
- Automatic user programmable sales tax.
- Nontaxable items allowed.
- Nontaxable transactions allowed.
- Manual tax entries allowed.
- Unlimited number of registers can be operated as one
through the master update option.
- On screen help window.
- Opens cash drawer through serial port.
- Your business name, date, and time displayed on screen.
- Completely menu driven.
- Multiple item entries allowed.
- Will maintain sales totals by cashier or department.
- Daily, monthly, and annual sales and tax totals maintained.
- Number of transactions recorded.
- Transaction Log keeps a record of every transaction.
- Maintains inventory records for every product.
- Maintains a sales history of every product.
- Quick inventory adjustment program.
- Quick price change program.
- Reorder quantities maintained for every product.
- Reorder quantity notification reports.
- Fifteen product database report formats.
- Four sales reports.
- User selectable colors\shades.
- Options retained when power is off.
- Customize your receipts.
- Many versatile receipt options.
- Many receipt formats and paper sizes.
- Selectable pitch--condensed, elite, pica.
- 3 line title on receipts.
- 3 line message on receipt.
- Can print customer name and address on receipt.
- Date and time on receipts.
- Product descriptions can be printed on receipts.
- Product codes can be printed on receipts.
- Many, many more features.
System Requirements
REGIT Point-of-Sale 3.0 requires and IBM PC, XT, AT, or compatible,
at least 512K of RAM, and PC-DOS or MS-DOS 2.0 or higher. Systems
with 512 Kbytes can support 8,000 products, while systems with 640
Kbytes can support 12,000 products.
Hard disk drive required (see floppy limited system).
This section provides you with a very brief and general description
of how the REGIT Point-of-Sale program works.
Your product codes are stored in the computer's RAM (random access
memory). The records associated with the product codes
(description, price, inventory, reorder point, annual and monthly
sales quantities) are stored in a random access data file on your
hard disk drive.
When you enter a product code into the system, a special program is
initiated that performs an extremely fast search of RAM to find
the product code. When that code is found, it points to the disk
location that stores the information about that product. The
program is then able to go directly to that information and
retrieve it. While this may seem like a time consuming process,
all this occurs within a blink of the eye.
Version 1 Series - First released commercially in 1984 for the
Radio Shack (Tandy) Model I, III, & IV.
Version 2 Series - Released commercially in 1986 for the Apple II+,
IIe, & IIc.
Version 3 Series - Released as Shareware in 1990 for the Industry
Standard and IBM compatible market.
Version 4 Series - To be released, bar code support for Version 3.
API currently offers three cash drawer models that work with REGIT
Point-of-Sale. One of your computer's serial ports is used to
provide the appropriate signal to open the cash drawers. However,
a cash drawer is not required for the program to operate.
Information on API Cash Drawers will be provided upon request or
upon registration.
It is not necessary to purchase a new printer to operate this
program. The REGIT Point-of-Sale attempts to support all printers
by providing a printing option that uses only universal printer
API also provides sales support for printers that we have tested
and believe to have all the qualities necessary to print sales
receipts without the paper handling problems of many standard
printers. We provide special programming within the REGIT
Point-of-Sale program to take full advantage of these printers'
capabilities. We also intend to provide printer support for
printers specifically developed for point-of-sale systems.
See Chapter Seven, The Defaults, "Printers and Printing" for a more
detailed discussion of this topic.
The REGIT Point-of-Sale program was designed to allow for the
addition of bar code support. This upgrade (Version 4.0) is one of
several currently under development at American Precision
Instruments. Version 4.0 will be compatible with both the Universal
Product Codes (UPC) and your REGIT Point-of-Sale data files. API
also intends to provide bar code reader sales support. As with all
REGIT Point-of-Sale upgrades, registered owners of earlier versions
will be automatically registered for Version 4.0.
Our primary concern is to provide our customers with a system whose
features meet all their needs. However, if we don't hear from you,
we will not know what those features are. If we do hear from you,
there is a strong possibility we will act on your suggestion.
After all, if you find it important, so should others.
If REGIT Point-of-Sale does not have a feature that you consider
important, does something that irritates you, has a bug that
annoys you, then drop us a note. Would another function key make
things easier? What do you want it to do? Do you need more help
menus? Another control code? Another tender code? Storage for
16,000 products? 20,000 customers? Let us know--we can take it!
Registration should be made for each computer acting as a REGIT
Point-of-Sale. Large operations should contact API for information
on site licenses, quantity merchandise discounts, custom receipts,
and other custom programming.
The installation procedure assumes your hard drive is the C: drive.
If another drive is used, you will need to install the REGIT
Point-of-Sale program manually. Simply create a directory and copy
all files from both disks to that directory. Then either remove
the "REGIT.BAT" start-up batch file or change it to work with the
drive you want.
REGIT is the start-up command for the REGIT Point-of-Sale program.
The installation procedure will create a directory named REGIT and
then copy all the necessary files to that directory. It will also
create a batch file (REGIT.BAT) so that you can call the program
from any drive or directory by typing REGIT. The installation
procedures will leave this batch file in your root directory. If
you use a special directory for storing other batch files, you may
copy this batch file to that directory.
The installation batch file (INSTALL.BAT) does nothing more than
create the REGIT directory and copy all files to those directories.
If you are already familiar with these procedures you may do it
yourself. If not, you may use this installation procedure
described below. The results will be the same.
Perform the following procedure to install REGIT Point-of-Sale:
1) Place your REGIT Point-of-Sale Disk #1 in drive A: (or
drive B:).
2) Change to that drive by typing A: [Press Enter key].
3) Type INSTALL [Press Enter key].
4) Wait until you are prompted to enter Disk #2. Remove Disk
#1 and insert Disk #2 [Press Enter key].
5) The screen will tell you when installation is complete.
6) Remove Disk #2. Store both disks-they are no longer
7) Installation is complete. To start the program type:
REGIT [Press Enter key].
Floppy Drive Limited System
REGIT Point-of-Sale was presented to shareware distributors with a
hard disk recommended. This was because a hard disk is required to
use all the features of the program. However, today's high density
drives (1.2 and 1.44 Mbyte) can run a limited version of the
program. You can even run a very limited system on a 720 Kbyte
There are two limitations. First, you cannot use the customer's
name and address file option. Second, the number of products that
can be stored will be reduced. Follow these procedures:
1) Copy all files on the REGIT Point-of-Sale disks to an
empty formatted high density disk (*.* DOS Command).
2) Remove the documentation file REGIT.DOC from the disk
to free up additional space.
3) Perform a DOS DIR command (on that disk!) to obtain the
amount of "free bytes" that are available on the disk.
4) Divide that number by 71 and that is the number of
products you will be able to use. We suggest you also
leave about 25 Kbytes of working space available on the
free bytes - 25,000
------------------- = number of products
5) That at is all. No other installation procedures are
necessary. Place the disk in the drive, change the
default drive to that drive (if using the A: drive, type
A: and press the [Enter] key), then type REGIT to start.
6) If you use all the disk space for storing products, you
will have no room to use the transaction log and must
leave that option off.
To provide you with a convenient method to try out the REGIT
Point-of-Sale program, we have entered some test products into the
database. Before you can began, you must have installed the program
on your hard disk, or combined the files to a floppy as described
the "Floppy Drive Limited System".
We have entered ten test products into the database. The code
numbers for the products are simply 1 through 10. You may leave
these items in your database, they will not effect normal operation
of the program. You may also delete these items from your
database, when no longer needed, using the [Utility] -> [File
Access] Menu selection.
Now lets try out the cash register:
1) Type REGIT to start the program. Follow instructions
to get past opening screen and to the REGIT MENU. Now
press the [Enter] key to select [Cash Register].
2) The cash register quickly displays. The blinking
square surrounds the product code box. Enter a product
code (1,2,3,4...10) and press the [Enter] key. The
product description and price are displayed in the
Transaction Window. (We used Test Product # One, Two,
Three, etc as the product descriptions).
3) Try another code. And another. As many as you like.
4) Now lets total the test transaction. Press the [F10]
function key.
5) There's the total. If the sales tax function had been
turned on, sales tax would have been included.
6) Now you will see the program is waiting for you to
7) Enter an amount equal to or greater than the amount of
the sale and press the [Enter] key.
8) OK, transaction complete. Wasn't that easy. If you
had your cash drawer and printer connected (and those
default functions turned on) the cash drawer would have
opened and a receipt would have been printed.
You just entered the most basic transaction using no options, no
special control codes, or no tender codes. There are many, many
ways to change the way a transaction is conducted and recorded.
The [Escape] key is an important key and used extensively with this
program. If you are in the process of performing a task, pressing
the [Escape] key will usually abort that task first. Then pressing
the [Escape] key again will return you to the Menu. If you happen
to be performing a subtask, that subtask will be aborted first
returning you back to the original task. This is extremely useful
because it lets you back out off a decision if you change your
For example, suppose you were changing prices for your products in
the [Price Adjust] program, and you had entered a product code,
then realized that you had entered the wrong product. Pressing the
[Escape] key once would abort that product code and return you to
the "Enter Product Code:" prompt. You could then enter a new
product code or press the [Escape] key once again to return to the
Menu. In summary, pressing the [Escape] key aborts the current
task or subtask before returning you to the Menu.
REGIT Point-of-Sale makes extensive use of the date and time. If
your computer does not automatically obtain the date and time, then
you should make sure that the operator is prompted to enter them at
start-up. Add these two commands to the end of your AUTOEXEC.BAT
They will prompt your operator/cashier to enter the correct date
and time when they turn on the computer.
Select [Cash Register] off the Menu to get to the REGIT
Point-of-Sale cash register screen. The cash register requires
very little experience to operate. Numerous error checking
routines, correcting routines, and operator messages have been
employed to make operation of the cash register simple and reliable
for even the most inexperienced cashier. Because the computer is
able to show the cashier where he/she is in a transaction, and
require correct entries, the REGIT Point-of-Sale system is easier
for a cashier to learn to operate than a standard cash register.
The REGIT Point-of-Sale Cash Register screen is divided into four
windows: 1) the Transaction Window, 2) the Help Window, 3) the
Input Widow, and 4) the Output Window.
The Transaction Window
The Transaction Window, located on the right hand side of the
screen, displays the transaction as it is taking place. As product
codes are entered, the quantity, 25 character product description,
and price are displayed. If it is a large transaction, the display
scrolls, displaying the last 16 products entered. You may use the
[Up] arrow key to bring back entries that have scrolled away. A
single transaction may include up to 500 lines of product entries.
The Transaction Window also displays the subtotal, tax, total,
amount tendered, and change when the transaction is complete.
Additionally, various operator messages are displayed in the
Transaction Window during cash register operation.
The Help Window
The Help Window, located on the left hand side of the screen has
several functions. It can simply display the date, time, and name
of your business. It can act as a help screen by continuously
displaying a menu of control codes, tender codes, and function keys
(see Control Codes, Tender Codes, and Function Keys). It can
display a special sales report (see Sales Report). It also acts as
the access screen for your customer data file (see Customer Data
The Input Window
The Input Window is located at the bottom of your screen. The
Input Window is used for entering information to the program.
Product codes, control codes, amount tendered, and tender codes,
are all entered through this window. The flashing square indicates
which input the program is waiting to accept. The operator may
move back and forth between input boxes with the [Right] and [Left]
arrow keys--then press [Enter] to accept the inputs.
The Output Window
The Output Window is located at the top of your screen. The Output
Window provides the operator with a running subtotal of the
transaction and the inventory quantity of the last product entered
(bottom item displayed in the Transaction Window). The subtotal is
the subtotal of all the items entered during the current
transaction PLUS the applicable sales tax. In other words, if the
transaction were totaled at that point, it would be the total
amount owed by the customer. The inventory is the amount in the
inventory at the beginning of the current transaction. This
inventory display is very helpful for over the counter type of
businesses that must retrieve the merchandise for the customers.
The operator/cashier may also make inventory and price inquiries
without the item being added into the transaction (see Control
Codes - Inventory/Price Inquiry).
The product code input box accepts the product codes for an item
being sold. Simply enter the product code and (if no control code
is needed) press the [Enter] key. The product and price will
display in the Transaction Window.
Control codes are used in conjunction with the product codes to
change the way a product is added into the transaction, or to
change the ongoing transaction. Depending on the control code, a
product code may or may not be needed. After entering a product
code move to the control code box with the [Left Arrow] key and
enter the desired control code. You may move back and forth
between the product code box and the control code box. When you
have the product code and control code as desired, press the
[Enter] key to enter the product (or just the control code) into
the transaction. The following is a replica of the Control Code
Help Screen showing the available control codes and their
>>>>>> CONTROL CODES <<<<<<
1) Abort Transaction (A) - Completely aborts the current
transaction, clears the Transaction Window and any customer that
was input into the customer file (however, does not remove the
customer from the customer data file). Then waits for the next
2) Delete Last Entry (D) - Backs out the last product entered from
the transaction and clears it from the Transaction Window. If
desired, the operator can continue to back out the next product,
and so on, until the window is completely empty. Press [F9] to
more quickly perform the same function.
3) Inventory/Price Inquiry (I) - Returns the inventory quantity
and price for the product whose code number is entered in the
product code box, without disturbing the ongoing transaction. The
price quote will display in the Output Window's subtotal box and
the inventory will display in the inventory box. The price and
inventory quantity will be proceeded by asterisks to distinguish
them from the normal box displays.
4) Nontaxable Item (NT) - The item whose code is in the product
code box will be entered into the transaction as a nontaxable item.
The sales tax rate will not be applied to this item. An Asterisk
"*" will be displayed on product line in the Transaction Window
(and in the transaction log), and an "NT" will be printed on sales
receipt to indicate the item as nontaxable.
5) Nontaxable Transaction (NTT) - Prevents sales tax from being
entered into the transaction. Control code (NTT) can be entered at
any time prior to totaling the transaction. "NTT" will be
displayed in the Input window next to the control code box to
indicate that the transaction will be nontaxable. You may override
this function with the "TAX" Control Code and enter the tax
6) Open Cash Drawer (O) - Opens the cash drawer. The cash drawer
automatically opens at the appropriate time during the transaction,
without using the control code.
7) Total Transaction (T) - Totals the current transaction. After
the transaction is totaled, the Input Window will switch and be
ready to receive the amount tendered and a tender code. [F10] more
quickly performs the same function.
8) Total By Cashier/Dept (TA to TZ) - Same as [T], except a total
for 26 cashiers or departments is also maintained. You may assign
each cashier or each department a different letter and a separate
total will be kept for each. A special report provides these
totals (see Chapter Six, The Reports). If you want to ensure that
your cashiers use this function, you may make a default setting
requiring the cashiers to do so (see Chapter Seven, The Defaults).
9) Manual Tax Entry (TAX) - Disengages the automatic sales tax
application and lets the cashier manually enter the sales
tax amount. Place the manual sales tax amount to enter into the
product code box and "TAX" into the control code box--then press
[Enter]. You may do this at any time during the transaction. If
you need to see the subtotal without sales tax applied, you may
wish to first designate the transaction as "nontaxable" with the
NTT control code, then enter the correct tax with the TAX control
code just prior to totaling the transaction.
10) Multiple Entry (nnn) - The multiple entry function allows the
cashier to make multiple item entries. Just enter the item's
product code in the product code box and the number of items being
sold in the control code box. The Transaction Window will display
this quantity next to the product description and the price
displayed will be for the total of all the items. (nnn) can be any
number between 1 and 999, however, 1 is assumed when eliminated.
11) Dollar Entry ($) - The dollar entry control code allows the
cashier to manually enter a dollar value into the transaction.
Place a dollar amount into the product code box and a [$] dollar
sign into the control code box--then press [Enter]. The price in
the product code box will be displayed in the Transaction Window
and added into the transaction. You may give your manual dollar
entries a product description to be printed in the Transaction
Window and on your receipts. The program comes with "General
Merchandise" as the dollar entry product description, but you may
use the [Default] -> [Cash Register Defaults] Menu selection to
change or eliminate this description. DO NOT USE any dollar
signs or commas as part of the dollar entry--the program will not
accept them. [F7] quickly performs the same function.
12) Dollar Entry, Multiple ($nnn) - This control code allows the
cashier to manually enter a dollar amount and, at the same time,
make it a multiple entry. Simply follow the dollar sign with the
quantity to be entered into the transaction.
13) Dollar Entry, Nontaxable ($NT) - Same as Dollar Entry, except
sales tax is not applied to the entry.
After totaling a transaction, the Input Window displays and waits
for the cashier to enter the "Amount Tendered:". This is the
amount the customer gives the cashier as payment. The cashier then
enters this amount, and any tender code that may be needed, and the
transaction is complete. A receipt is printed (if receipt function
is turned on), the cash drawer opens, the change due is shown in
the Transaction Window, and the transaction is permanently recorded
to the various disk files that need to be updated. DO NOT USE
dollar signs or commas in the amount tendered--the program will not
accept them.
If the amount tendered, that has been entered, does not equal or
exceed the total sales price, the Transaction Window will display
"Partial Amount Tendered" and that amount. The cashier may then
enter an additional amount (or [Escape] out) to bring the total
amount tendered up to the amount of the sale. This allows
duplicate sales' types to be recorded separately. For example, a
customer may wish to pay part in cash and part with a check or
credit card. If after the second entry, the amount tendered is
still less that the total sales price, the partial amount is
cleared an the program waits for the next full or partial amount
tendered again.
Tender codes are used in conjunction with the amount tendered to
change the way the transaction is recorded. Tender codes can also
take the cashier back into the transaction to update or change an
entry. Depending on the tender code, the amount tendered may or
may not be required before the program will accept the tender code.
You may use the [Left] and [Right] arrow keys to move back and
forth between the amount tendered box and the tender code box.
When you have the amount tendered and tender code as desired, press
the [Enter] key to enter the amount tendered into the transaction.
The major purpose of the tender codes is to identify the type of
sale. By type of sale we mean cash, check, credit card, etc. The
REGIT Point-of-Sale program will maintain separate totals for cash
sales, check sales, credit sales, and nine other categories of
sales (CAT1 - CAT9). These other categories can be anything you
want to keep a separate total of. For example, if you want to keep
separate totals for VISA, MasterCard, American Express, etc., you
can assign each one a different CAT number. Cash is automatically
assumed when no tender code is entered. If you have no use for
separate totals, simply do not use them. See Chapter Six, The
Reports, for the sales reports available when you use the tender
Using these tender codes to keep separate totals will help to
reconcile your cash drawer. One thing to keep in mind, when the
amount tendered from a noncash sales exceeds the sales price
(change is due), the change is subtracted from the cash total. In
other words, if a sale was for $17 and a customer writes a $20
check, the cashier would enter $20 as the amount tendered and "CH"
as the tender code. The separate total for check sales would be
increased by $20 and the total for cash would decrease by $3
(because the change would be given in cash). This way, the
separate totals will indicate the amounts in the cash drawer
(excluding beginning cash).
The following is a replica of the Tender Code Help Screen and
definition for each code:
>>>>>> TENDER CODES <<<<<<
CH...........CHECK SALE
CR...........CREDIT SALE
>>>>>> FUNCTION KEYS <<<<<<
F1...........HELP WINDOW
F3...........SALES REPORT
F8...........BLINK ON/OFF
1) Abort Transaction (A) - This code is both a valid control code
and a valid tender code. It completely aborts the current
transaction, clears the Transaction Window and any customer that
was input into the customer file (however, does not remove the
customer from the customer data file). Then waits for the next
2) Backout Total (BT) - Cancels the total. Clears the totals from
the Transaction Window and places the cashier back into the
transaction as if the total had never been requested. The Input
Window returns to waiting for the next product and control code.
You may continue with the transaction as if it had never been
3) Check Sale (CH) - Enter a "CH" in the tender code box with the
amount tendered to maintain a separate check sales total.
4) Credit Sale (CR) - Enter a "CR" in the tender code box with the
amount tendered to maintain a separate credit sales total.
5) Other Category Sale (CAT1-CAT9) - Enter CAT1 to CAT9 in the
tender code box with the amount tendered to maintain up to nine
separate categories of sales.
6) Remove Transaction (R) - This tender code removes a sale from
the disk data files. Use this code for a sales returns, to correct
errors, etc. First, enter the transaction you want to remove just
as if it were a regular sales transaction. Then, rather than
entering an amount tendered, enter the tender code "R". The daily,
monthly, and annual sales totals will be appropriately adjusted,
sales tax totals will be adjusted, inventory quantities will be
adjusted, and your separate sales totals will be adjusted (cash
will be reduced to signify a sales return). The Transaction Log
will show the transaction being deleted rather than as a sale.
[F1] - Toggles the Help Window between opening screen and the help
screens. If the transaction has not been totaled, then control
codes are displayed. Once the transaction has been totaled, the
tender codes and function keys are displayed.
[F2] - Brings up the Customer Data File input screen (see Customer
Data File).
[F3] - Displays a Sales Report (see Sales Report).
[F4] - Automatically tenders cash. If cash received is exactly the
amount of the sale, then pressing this function key automatically
tenders the amount.
[F5] - Automatically tenders checks. If the check is for the
amount of sale, then pressing this function key automatically
tenders the amount.
[F6] - Automatically tenders credit. Such as a credit card for the
amount of sale.
NOTE: Even if you are not interested in maintaining separate
totals, you can use any of the above three keys to automatically
total transactions that are for the amount of sale.
[F7] - Control code, dollar entry. No function as a tender code.
[F8] - Stops/starts indicator square blinking (For those who do not
like blinking objects on their screens).
[F9] - Control code, delete last entry. No function as a tender
[F10] - Control code, total transaction. No function as a tender
The transaction log is a running record of your transactions. It
is meant to emulate the function of a cash register that provides a
printed tape backup of all transactions. For each item sold, the
log records the product code, product description, multiple entry
quantity, nontaxable item indicator (asterisk), and price. Also
recorded for each transaction is the transaction subtotal, sales
tax, total, amount tendered, and change. The date, time, and codes
used during the transaction (total by cashier/dept, check, credit,
etc.) are also recorded. Each date and time is unique so they can
be used to identify a transaction. The date and time printed on
your receipts is the exact date and time printed in the transaction
log (to the second). Here is an example:
04946001 White Bond Paper, 1000 ct 10.95
0212001450624 Desk Calendar, refill 5.25
GOVT0025 20 *25 cent US stamps 5.00
TOTAL 22.18
Using the Transaction Log
To use the transaction log, you must first turn the function on
through the [Default] -> [Cash Register Defaults] Menu selection.
It is VERY IMPORTANT that you do not just turn the function on and
then forget about it! The transaction log (TRANACTN.LOG) records
all transactions and thus expands at a fairly rapid rate (directly
proportionate to your sales). If it expands to the point where
there is no space available on your disk, the program will not be
able to record your transaction. You will be directed back to the
Menu where you must clear the file, or otherwise free up disk
space, before you can continue normal cash register operation.
Viewing and Printing the Transaction Log
The transaction log is stored in the REGIT directory in the file
TRANACTN.LOG. It is an ASCII file, so can be pulled directly into
word processors and viewed and/or printed using those word
processing capabilities. If you do not have a word processor, the
file can also be viewed with the DOS TYPE command (or DOS's EDLIN):
You can use the [Pause] key to stop the scrolling. You can use
[Print Screen] to print an individual transaction or the DOS PRINT
command to print the entire file:
The transaction log is 58 characters wide.
Saving the Transaction Log
You may wish to keep your transaction log permanently, or for a
month, year, etc. Set up a system for storing them. Such a system
should use floppies to prevent filling up your hard disk. File
names should have the date embedded to identify the log. An
example could be TA010190.LOG, for January 1, 1990. To copy the
transaction log from the REGIT directory to a floppy in the A:
drive, and rename it at the same time, you would use the following
Be sure to copy the file prior to clearing the daily sales
quantities. Clearing any sales quantities also clears the
transaction log.
Clearing the Transaction Log
The transaction log is automatically cleared when you clear daily,
monthly, or annual sales quantities (see Chapter Four, The
Utilities, Clear Sales).
To provide a convenient method for displaying your sales totals,
without leaving the cash register and entering the [Reports]
programs, REGIT Point-of-Sale provides a sales report that is
accessible while operating the cash register. The report provides
the daily, monthly, and annual sales and sales tax quantities.
Press function key [F3] and the sales report will be displayed in
the Help Window. Press any key again an the Help Window will
return to the previous display. This report is available at any
time during cash register operation. It will not interfere with an
ongoing transaction.
The sales report is disabled if the Password function has been
The customer data file allows 10,000 names and addresses to be
stored on your hard drive and is easily accessible during a routine
cash register transaction. Each customer is allocated a four digit
code number and three, thirty character name and address lines. If
you decide to use this function, the customer's name and address
can be recorded in the transaction log, can be printed on the sales
receipt, can be printed in a report format, and can be printed on
mailing labels. See Chapter Six, The Reports, for information on
printing customer reports and mailing labels.
To Use or Not To Use
To use the Customer Data File, the function must first be turned on
through the Menu's [Default] -> [Cash Register Defaults]
selections (see Chapter Seven, The Defaults). Your hard disk must
have approximately 1 Megabyte (920,092 bytes to be exact) of free
disk space to engage this function. If not, you will be requested
to free up some disk space before the program will allow the
function to be turned on.
The customer data file will not interfere with the normal operation
of the REGIT Point-of-Sale program. The only reason for having the
ON/OFF default selection is to prevent it from claiming the
1 megabyte of disk space for users who do not intend to use it.
Customer Code Numbers
To access a customer record, a customer code number (0-9999) must
first be assigned to identify the customer. Most retail outlets,
that use this type of system, use the last four digits of the
customer's phone number as the identifier. During the transaction,
the customer can be asked for the last four of their telephone
number. Other outlets, that deal with a select group of customers,
assign specific code numbers to their customers.
You may enter numbers with less than four digits (between 1 and
999) with or without preceding 00's. For example, the following
customer code entries will all address the same record:
>>27 <<
>> 27<<
Using the Customer Data File During a Transaction
Entering a customer's name and address is not a necessary part of a
transaction. The cashier/operator decides if a customer's name and
address is to be entered and used.
The cashier/operator may enter or retrieve a customer's name and
address at any time during a transaction. Before it begins,
between entries, or after totaling--at any time until the
transaction has been completed. It will not interfere with the
ongoing transaction. To gain access to the file, simply press the
[F2] function key. The input screen will display in the Help
Window and the cursor will indicate for the cashier/operator to
enter a customer code number.
Enter the code number and press [Enter]. The cursor will jump to
the first line of the three available name and address lines. If
the customer is already in the file, his/her name and address will
be displayed, if the customer is not in the file the lines will be
blank. You may then enter the new name and address, or make any
changes to an old address. Use the [Up] and [Down] arrow keys or
the [Enter] key to transverse between name and address lines.
When finished, press the [Page Down] key to write the name and
address to the disk file and move back down to the cash register
Input Window. Pressing the [Down] arrow or [Enter] key while on
the third address line will also write the record to disk and
return you back to the cash register Input Window. If you have
selected to print customer names and addresses on receipts, and use
the transaction log, then the customer just entered would be
printed on the receipt for the current transaction and would be
recorded in the transaction log. As reminded on the screen, the
[Escape] key will let you abort the current entry.
You may re-enter the customer input screen at any time during the
same transaction by pressing the [F2] function key again. The same
code number and customer will be displayed. You may enter a new
code number or make any changes to the address.
The Help Window does not necessarily have to display the current
customer. If you are using the help screens, they will return as
you leave the input screen.
If the cashier/operator changes his/her mind and wishes to
abort/prevent this customer from being printed on the receipt and
recorded in the transaction log, they can re-enter the input screen
using the [F2] function key and back out using the [Escape] key.
This will not remove the customer from the disk file, just from the
current transaction. Using the control code [A] (abort
transaction) also removes the current customer as it aborts the
Using the Customer Data File Independent of a Transaction
If you want to enter, change, or delete customers in the data file,
you may do so by simply entering the input screen as you would
during a transaction. All functions operate just as they do during
a transaction. After entering or changing a customer press the
[Page Down] to write it to disk. If you wish to continue, press
the [F2] function key and enter the next customer code over the
last one. To permanently delete a customer from the disk file,
enter the code number, press [Enter] to retrieve the record from
disk, then press the [F5] function key.
The Utilities are used to initially enter new products and product
codes into the disk files that store the information on your
products. The Utilities are also use to update information on
products (such as price, inventory, etc), to make changes to
existing products (such as change an product description), or to
delete unwanted products from the disk files.
Selecting [Utilities] -> [File Access] off the Menu gives you
total access to your product codes and all stored information
relating to your products. You can add products, change information
about products, or delete products.
Enter Product Code
After selecting [Utilities], you are first asked to "Enter Product
Code:". The product code can be a combination of any letters,
numerals, or special characters from 1 to 16 characters long. If
the product code you enter is valid (already exists) the screen
will then display the currently stored information associated with
that product code. If the product code you entered is not valid
(does not already exist), the program assumes that you are entering
a new product. Once you have entered the product code, you may
move freely between all the displayed boxes using the [Up] and
[Down] arrow keys. You may make any changes you like to the
IMPORTANT: If you intend to use the bar code option, when
available, it is necessary that you use the
Universal Product Codes (UPC) as your product code to
maintain compatibility. The correct method to enter a
UPC is to do so without any spaces between the
numerals. For example, if the UPC on a product reads
0 21200 14062 4 then enter 021200140624 (the end zero
and four may be smaller than the others, but should
still be entered. If the UPC reads 0 71831 00450
08383 then enter 0718310045008383. If it reads 0
494600 1 then enter 04946001. The point is, enter all
numbers and leave no spaces.
Product Description
Once you enter the product code, you may enter or change the
product description. The product description can be up to 25
characters long. If you do not wish to use product descriptions,
then leave the box empty.
You may now enter or change the price of the item. To speed up
data entry, the decimal point is entered for you. Commas are not
necessary and will not be accepted. The program controls data
entry and will not allow invalid characters. The price limit is
Also see "Price Adjustments" for a quick method of adjusting
your product's prices.
Inventory Quantity
Inventory Quantity allows you to enter or change a products
currently recorded inventory. If you do not wish to use this
function, you may leave the box empty. The limit is 9,999,999
Also see "Inventory Adjustments" for a quick method of adjusting
your inventory quantities.
Reorder Point
A reorder point is a flag that indicates your inventory is low and
therefore time to reorder. Chapter Six, The Reports, discusses
Reorder Reports that will print out all products whose inventory is
equal to, or less than, the reorder point. This option can save
enormous amounts of time and money by helping you control the size
of your inventory.
Annual and Monthly Sales
The program keeps track of two sales quantities. These two
quantities are labeled annual and monthly sales. Each time an item
is sold, both sales quantities are increased by one. Sales reports
can then be generated using these historical sales quantities. If
you want to enter or change individual sales quantities, this is
where it's done. If you leave the box empty, the quantity will be
zero. If you want to clear all sales quantities (return them to
zero), then see "Clear Sales", in this Chapter.
Bottom Row
Once you have entered all the information for a product, move to
the bottom row using the [Down] arrow key. The bottom row lets you
select Enter/Change Record, Delete Record, or Abort. For speeding
up data entry, you may also select the same options at any time
(without moving to the bottom row) by pressing the [F2], [F5], or
[Escape] key. If you select Enter/Change Record, the new
information (and product code if applicable) will be recorded to
disk. If you select Delete Record [F5], then product code will be
deleted (no longer valid). If you select Abort [Escape], then
there will be no change to the product code or to the disk
record--you will be returned to the prompt "Enter Product Code:".
If you press the [Escape] key again, you will return to the Menu.
Top Window
The window at the top of your screen displays the last item entered
or deleted. This helps you maintain your place during data entry.
This Menu selection provides a quick method for making adjustments
to your inventory. The program saves time by making it easy to
update your inventory from shipping and receiving documents.
Simply enter the product code and the current inventory will be
displayed; then enter the inventory adjustment. Pay attention now!
You enter the adjustment to the inventory--not the new inventory
quantity. For example, if you received a shipment of 25 items you
enter 25. The program then adds the new 25 to the existing
inventory and records that number as the new inventory quantity.
If you were to ship 5 out to a customer, you would enter a negative
five (-5). The top window will display the last item and the
adjusted inventory quantity.
The price adjustment program is used to update a product's price.
The same adjustment could be made using the [File Access] program,
however, if you are only changing product prices, using this
program is faster. Simply enter the product code and then the new
price. The top window will display the last item entered and the
new price.
Select [Utilities] -> [Clear Sales] from the Menu to clear daily;
daily and monthly; or daily, monthly, and annual sales quantities.
By clear sales quantities, we mean return the quantities to zero.
Clearing any sales quantities also clears out your transaction log
(TRANACTN.LOG File). So, if you are saving the transaction logs as
permanent records, you will want to do so before clearing the
If you select to clear daily sales quantities, which you should do
every day before beginning operations, you will clear (zero) those
files which are used to compile your daily sales reports.
If you select to clear both daily and monthly sales, in addition to
clearing the daily sales you will also clear all monthly sales
totals from your sales reports. Additionally, you will clear
(zero) your running record of each individual product's monthly
sales from the product database.
If you select to clear daily, monthly, and annual sales, all sales
reports will be returned to zero and your individual product record
of monthly and annual sales will be cleared.
The Extended Utilities are two programs that allow two or more
REGIT Point-of-Sale systems to be combined into a single system.
To get to the Extended Menu, select [Utility] -> [Extended] from
the REGIT Menu. The Extended Utilities Menu has two selections.
One, [Update Master Database], is used to update the master product
database and sales reports. The other selection, [Combine Customer
Files], is used to combine two or more customer data files into
REGIT Point-of-Sale's update master database function allows as
many sales points as desired to operate as one. This allows
consolidated reports which can represent one store with several
registers, or several different stores and many registers.
Select one computer to act as the master. The master computer can
be acting as a REGIT Point-of-Sale cash register or can be a
computer in the office, it does not matter.
All product additions and deletions must be made only through the
master, then copied to the slaves. This only makes since anyway,
why would you want a system where you had to update every slave
rather than just one master.
How Often Should You Update the Master?
It makes no difference to the REGIT Point-of-Sale program how often
the master is updated. How often you need a consolidated inventory
and/or sales report would be the deciding factors. You must also
update the master before adding any new products, or deleting old
products to/from the master data file.
Only the slave's monthly quantities and totals are used for
updating the master. So the slave's daily sales totals act
independently of the master update function. They can be used
normally--cleared and used for reconciling on a daily bases.
What is Updated on the Master?
To fully understand the information that is being updated using the
update master database function, you should review Appendix II,
REGIT Point-of-Sale Files.
When the master is updated, no changes are made to any of the
slave's data files. The following master data files are changed as
1) Each master product's inventory is reduced by the slave's
monthly sales quantities. (DATABASE.REG)
2) Each master product's monthly sales quantities are increased
by the slave's monthly sales quantities. (DATABASE.REG)
3) Each master product's annual sales quantities are increased
by the slave's monthly sales quantities. (DATABASE.REG)
4) The master monthly sales total, monthly sales tax total, and
monthly number of transactions are increased by the slave's
monthly sales totals, monthly sales tax totals, and monthly
number of transactions. (MONTH.LOG)
5) The Master annual sales total, annual sales tax total, and
annual number of transactions are increased by the slave's
monthly sales totals, monthly sales tax totals, and monthly
number of transactions. (Slave's MONTH.LOG and Master's
Step-by-Step Update Procedures
There are two procedures.
Procedure #1 makes sure that your master and slave databases are
identical. This procedure must be performed every time a new
product is added to the master database file or and old product is
deleted from the database file. This procedure should also be
performed before you ever begin using the update function to ensure
your master and slave(s) databases are identical.
Procedure #2 should be performed whenever you want to update your
Steps for Procedure #1:
Step 1 - Before you make any changes to your master database, you
must update your old master data base. Go to Procedure #2 and
update your master.
Step 2 - Make your changes (additions and/or deletions) to the
master database. When completed, copy these files from the master
REGIT directory to a floppy disk:
If you have more than approximately products, you will need to
copy the PROCODEn.REG files separately from the DATABASE.REG file.
If you have more than approximately 5,000 products, the entire
DATABASE.REG will not fit on a 5.25 inch floppy and will require a
3.5 inch drive capable of holding 720 Kbytes (or a high density
drive) in order to first transfer these files to floppies and then
to the slaves.
If you like, you can create a batch file to speed up the copying of
the files. For example:
[F6] [ENTER]
Now, typing FORSLAVE would automatically copy the files to the disk
in the A: drive. See your DOS manual for more information on
creating and using batch files.
Step 3 - Now copy these files from the floppy(s) to the REGIT
directory for each slave. This will overwrite the existing files
and ensure the slave is now identical to the master.
Step 4 - Clear the slave(s) monthly and daily sales to bring all
quantities to zero.
Steps for Procedure #2:
Step 1 - When you want to update your master, you will need to copy
two files from the slave to a floppy--the MONTH.LOG and the
DATABASE.REG file. The commands would be as follows:
Step 2 - Once the files have been copied, transfer the floppy to
the master computer and select [Utilities] -> [Extended] ->
[Update Master Database] from the Menu.
Step 3 - Update Master Database will load and run. The program
will ask you to identify the drive that holds the disk with the
slave's data files. You select A or B. The program adds the
slave's sales and sales tax to the master's monthly and annual
amounts. It also subtracts the slave's individual products' monthly
sales quantities from the master's individual inventory quantities.
Step 4 - Once the update has been successfully completed, return to
the slave and [Clear Monthly & Daily Sales] to bring them back to
Step 5 - Perform steps 1 through 4 for each slave.
Are you Backing Up Your Files?
Extensive copying and transferring of files eventually leads to an
accidental deletion or overwriting of a file you needed. If you
are using the update master database, it makes it even more
important that you backup your files. See Appendix I for more on
backup procedures.
[Combine Customer Files] allows two or more customer data files to
be combined into one. Because the customer data file is almost
1 Megabyte long, you must have a high density floppy drive to use
this function (either a 1.2 Mbyte 5.25 inch or a 1.44 Mbyte 3.5
Use the following steps to combine the customer data files:
Step 1 - Copy the source customer data file to the floppy:
Step 2 - Remove the floppy and place it in the drive of the
computer with the target customer data file. Select [Utilities]
-> [Extended] -> [Combine Customer Files] from the Menu. When
the program has finished, all customers on the floppy (source) will
also be on the customer data file in your REGIT directory (target
file) along with the customers that were originally there. The
floppy (source) has priority, and will overwrite duplicate customer
code numbers if any are encountered.
Step 3 - The file in the REGIT directory (the target file) now
contains the combination of both file's customers. If you want the
source customer data file to be updated, copy the new file back to
the floppy, then to the source hard drive REGIT directory.
Step 4 - Combine as many files as you like using steps 1 through 3.
REGIT Point-of-Sale produces four types of reports, all available
by selecting [Reports] off the Menu:
1) Data File Reports
2) Reorder Reports
3) Sales Reports
4) Customer File Reports
If you are interested in how and where the information that creates
these reports is stored, see Appendix II, REGIT Point-of-Sale
These reports print out the contents of your product database.
There are fifteen different report formats to chose from. You will
be prompted to select one of the following fifteen formats after
selecting [Data File] off the Menu:
Product Code . Description
Product Code . Description . Price
Product Code . Description . Inventory
Product Code . Description . Inventory . Reorder
Product Code . Description . Annual sales . Monthly sales
Product Code . Descript. Inv . Annual sales . Monthly sales
Product Code . Description . Price . Reorder
Product Code . Description . Price . Inventory . Reorder
Product Code . Price
Product Code . Inventory
Product Code . Price . Inventory
Product Code . Price . Inventory . Reorder
Product Code . Annual sales . Monthly sales
Product Code . Inventory . Annual sales . Monthly sales
Product Code . Price . Inv . Reorder . Annual . Monthly
All reports can be printed on a standard 80 column printer. You
will also be prompted for a decision to print or not to print
titles on each page, and prompted for the top and bottom margins.
If, while printing, you chose to abort the printout, and you are
using a printer that has a buffer, you will need to switch the
printer off to clear the buffer. If not, you will have to wait
until the printer buffer is empty before printing will stop.
The following is a definition of each data element that can be
Product Code - The 16 character product code.
Product Description - The 25 character product description.
Price - The currently stored price for the product.
Inventory - The current inventory for the product.
Reorder - The reorder quantity for the item (see Reorder Reports).
Annual Sales - The number of sales for this product since the last
time the annual sales quantities were cleared
(returned to zero).
Monthly Sales - The number of sales for this product since the last
time the monthly sales quantities were cleared
(returned to zero).
The reorder report prints out the product code, product
description, current inventory, and reorder quantity for all
products whose inventory is less than or equal to the reorder
quantity. In other words, the report signals you that certain
products inventories have fallen to the point that replenishment is
Establishing a Reorder Quantity
A reorder quantity, reorder point, or reorder level is that level
of inventory which when reached signals the need to place a
replenishment order. A reorder point should be high enough that
you do not risk running out of an item (and lose sales), and low
enough that you do not carry inventory that is not needed. Both
situations can cost you money. That is why it is important that
reorder points be used and be as accurate as possible. For some
businesses, the efficiency of the ordering system can be a make or
break situation. At others it is not that drastic. But seldom can
a business afford to ignore good inventory practices.
A simple, and incomplete, example of establishing a reorder
quantity might be:
If the demand for an item is 25 per day and if it takes 4 days for
a shipment to arrive, then the reorder quantity should be 100
units. The 100 would be the demand during the shipment.
This example is incomplete because is not quite that simple.
Demand is rarely consistent. Shipping time also varies. Quantity
discounts were not considered. Cost of lost sales were not
considered. The opportunity cost of maintaining the inventory was
not considered. All these things and more are used to determine
the most economic order point for any product.
If you suspect that mismanagement of your inventories are costing
you money, then by obtaining a point-of-sale system, you have taken
the first step towards more accurately and economically controlling
your inventory. You should also obtain a book that deals with
inventory management. Many management and accounting books devote
one or more chapters to this subject. These books offer
statistical formulas for determining your reorder quantity. If
needed, your accountant can also help.
Selectively Using the Reorder Quantity
You may wish to use the reorder quantity function for some products
and not for others. For example, you may wish to order some
products only after a firm commitment to purchase the item has been
made. You may wish to retain other items in your data base, but
have currently made a decision not to restock. For these types of
items, the inventory will eventually equal zero. If the reorder
point is also zero, they will be selected when the reorder report
is printed.
To avoid this, you may enter a negative number, such as -1, as the
reorder quantity. Then when the a reorder report is printed, a
zero inventory will not cause the product to be selected and
Four different sales reports are available. You may select to view
any one individually on your monitor, or you may select to receive
a printout of all four reports.
1) Daily Sales Report
2) Annual/Monthly/Daily Sales Report
3) Sales By Cashier/Department
4) Transaction and Sales Ratios Report
The printout option for these reports requires only two printed
pages. You may wish to print and keep a daily copy for your
Sales Tax Collected
A special note is needed here concerning the sales tax that appears
in these reports. The sales tax is the actual amounts you
collected from your customers at the register. It is not the tax
rate applied to your sales totals. So all rounding differences
(depending on your selected method), manual tax entries, nontaxable
transactions, or nontaxable item decisions made at the register
will be reflected here in these reports.
Daily, Monthly, and Annual Sales Totals
To produce its reports, the REGIT Point-of-Sale program maintains
three running totals of sales and sales tax. These running totals
are titled daily, monthly, and annual sales and sales tax totals.
Although titled daily, monthly, and annual, the running totals are
not really controlled or affected by the passage of time. You must
decide when you want to clear, or restart these sales totals.
In other words, all three sales and sales tax totals will continue
to increase at the rate of your sales until you clear them using
the [Utility] -> [Clear Sales] function. When you clear them,
they are returned to zero and once again continue to grow at the
rate of sales until cleared again.
For this reason, you do not have to use the monthly as the monthly
sales or annual as the annual sales. You could use the monthly as
the quarterly sales, or whatever. So you have three running totals
titled daily, monthly, and annual sales, but, you have control over
the actual time periods they are representing.
In conclusion, if you want any reports produced by the daily sales
totals to actually reflect "daily sales", then you must clear the
daily sales on a daily basis. The same goes for monthly and
annual. For monthly sales reports to reflect monthly totals, the
monthly sales must be cleared on a monthly basis.
Also see "Clear Sales" in Chapter Five, The Utilities.
Adjustments to Sales Totals
If, for some reason, you find that you want to adjust your sales
totals, then the cash register can be used to do so. Using the
cash register to adjust sales totals provides you with a record of
the adjustment.
Use the dollar entry input option of the cash register to enter the
amount of the sales adjustment and use the manual TAX function to
adjust the sales tax. If the adjustment is a reduction rather than
an increase, then you will want to use the remove transaction
function (tender code R) after entering the amounts. Either way,
you will then have a record of the adjustment in the transaction
Daily Sales Report
This report provides the daily sales broken down by category (cash,
check, credit, and nine user definable categories). This report's
main function would be to assist in reconciling the cash drawers.
As previously mentioned, it is not necessary to use any sales
categories whatsoever. You may completely ignore one or all sales
categories and it will have no effect, except on how this one
report appears. If completely ignored, this report would show all
sales in the cash category and all others categories as zero.
An example report:
>>>> Daily Sales Report <<<<
Cash Sales 156.52
Check Sales 175.50
Credit Sales 80.00
CAT1 Sales 0.00
CAT2 Sales 0.00
CAT3 Sales 0.00
CAT4 Sales 0.00
CAT5 Sales 0.00
CAT6 Sales 0.00
CAT7 Sales 0.00
CAT8 Sales 0.00
CAT9 Sales 0.00
Total Sales (including sales tax) $412.02
Sales Tax Collected 23.32
Total Sales (excluding sales tax) $388.70
Annual/Monthly/Daily Sales Report
This report can also be pulled up in the Help Window during cash
register operation (unless the password function has been engaged)
by pressing the [F3] function key.
The report displays the sales and sales tax collected for the
daily, monthly, and annual running totals. The totals are the
total sales and sales tax collected since the last time the
quantities were cleared using the [Utility] -> [Clear Sales]
An example report:
>>>> Annual/Monthly/Daily Sales Report <<<<
Daily Sales 388.70
Daily Tax 23.32
Total $412.02
Monthly Sales 9717.85
Monthly Tax 583.05
Total $10302.90
Annual Sales 46986.24
Annual Tax 2456.08
Total $49442.32
Sales By Cashier/Department
If you total your transaction with the total by cashier/department
option, then this report will reflect those totals. Totaling by
cashier/department has absolutely no affect on any other sales
totals or reports. If you use the function, use it partially, or
don't use it at all the only affect will be in the amounts listed
on this report.
These separate totals are the total of both sales and sales tax
collected under each of 26 letters. Sales by cashier/department
totals are daily totals and cleared when you clear the daily sales.
If you have selected the [Default] option that requires totaling by
cashier/department, then this report will total to the same as the
daily sales totals report. However, if you have not selected this
option then the total will add to whatever is entered at the
register with the total by cashier/department option.
An example report:
>>>> Sales By Cashier/Department <<<<
Cashier/Dept Total Cashier/Dept Total
A 123.84 N 0.00
B 24.10 O 0.00
C 0.00 P 0.00
D 78.12 Q 0.00
E 0.00 R 0.00
F 0.00 S 0.00
G 0.00 T 0.00
H 0.00 U 0.00
I 0.00 V 0.00
J 0.00 W 0.00
K 0.00 X 0.00
L 0.00 Y 0.00
M 0.00 Z 0.00
Transaction and Sales Ratios Reports
The transaction report provides the daily, monthly, and annual
number of transactions. Also provided are the average daily,
monthly, and annual transactions. These are simply the total sales
divided by the number of transactions.
An example report:
>>>> Transaction Report <<<<
Daily Transactions 42
Month Transactions 1080
Annual Transactions 6212
Average Daily Transaction $9.81
Average Monthly Transaction $9.54
Average Annual Transaction $7.96
The Sales Ratios report gives the daily sales/monthly sales ratio,
which is the total daily sales expressed as a percentage of total
monthly sales. Also provided are the daily sales/annual sales and
the monthly sales/annual sales ratios.
An example report:
>>>> Sales Ratios <<<<
Daily Sales/Monthly Sales 0.0399
Daily Sales/Annual Sales 0.0083
Monthly Sales/Annual Sales 0.2084
Select [Reports] -> [Customer File] from the Menu to access the
customer file reports. There are three types of customer file
reports available for printing; the report format, mailing
labels--entire file, and selected mailing labels.
Report Format
Selecting [Report Format] from the Menu prints your entire customer
data base. The report is printed in customer code number order.
The report is designed for an 80 column printer and you will be
prompted for the top and bottom margin before printing begins.
Mailing Labels--Entire File
As the title implies, this Menu selection prints your entire
customer file on standard mailing labels. The program is designed
to print on standard one-wide labels. You may want to print out a
short sample first on regular paper to get your printer set up
Selected Mailing Labels
This selection also prints on standard one-wide labels. However,
you are prompted to enter the customer code first. You enter a
customer code, the label is printed, the printer advances to the
next label, and then waits you to enter the next customer code.
The [Default] -> [Cash Register Defaults] Menu selection allows
you to set default profiles that control or change the operation of
the cash register. This section will follow the cash register
default's input screen line-by-line. The bottom of the input
screen provides on-line help to assist you with your decisions.
When you finish your selections, press the [Escape] key. You will
be asked if you want to save your selections. If you select [Yes],
the cash register will operate under the new defaults until you
return to this Menu selection and change them.
This section concentrates on the selection procedures. For more
thorough discussions, see the appropriate section covering the
Input your business title or name. This is the name that will be
displayed in the Help Window above the date and time. It can be up
to 32 characters long. The title will be automatically centered in
your help window, so you do not have to worry about placement
between the margin markers. If you do not want a title displayed,
leave this input area empty.
Dollar Entry
The dollar entry is the product description that will be displayed
in the Transaction Window, and printed on receipts, when a dollar
entry is manually placed into a transaction. The program comes
with "General Merchandise", but you may change it to any 25
character description you want. You may also leave it blank if you
do not want any description for manual dollar entries.
Bar Code Reader
For future expansion. This is intended to select the serial port
that has the bar code reader connected. It currently has no effect
on the program or your serial ports.
Open Cash Drawer
Select the serial port that has the cash drawer connected. If no
cash drawer is being used, select [Off].
Use Customer File
This selection opens the customer data file and allows you to use
the function with the cash register. Your need approximately
1 Megabyte of free disk space to use this option. If you do not
have that much, the program will tell you it was not able to open
the file when you save your changes. All your other selections
will be saved. You must go back to DOS and remove enough unwanted
files from your hard disk to free up 1 Megabyte of space on your
disk. Then return an reselect this option.
Use Daily Transaction Log
Turns on transaction log. Remember this file expands and should
not be turned on and ignored.
Require To Total By Cashier
Requires the cashier to identify himself/herself (or department)
when totaling a transaction. This allows a record of sales by
cashier/department to be maintained. This selection does not have
to be on to use the function, it must be on to require that the
cashier us it. If the [ON] selection is made and the cashier
attempts to total a transaction without an identifying letter, the
cash register will send a message to the cashier "MUST TOTAL BY
Before we discuss receipt formats lets first discuss printers and
how they relate to REGIT Point-of-Sale.
Purchasing Considerations for Printers
There are printers that are manufactured solely for point-of-sale
systems. These printers are handy because they are usually smaller
than ordinary printers and made to accept narrow paper, however,
there are also two major disadvantages. They are more expensive
than other printers and they cannot double as your standard
printer. So, on top of your the original expense for one of these
dedicated printers, you also must purchase another printer to print
your reports, letters, etc.
Using a standard 80-column printer makes a lot more since, however,
there are also two problems with using standard printers. The
first problem is that many of them do not have very strong friction
feeders and narrow receipt paper may have a tendency to drift out
of place. The second problem is that many of the printers require
the paper to be advanced several lines before the printed portion
can be removed. This causes long blank spaces on your receipts and
wastes paper.
So when purchasing a printer for printing receipts you should keep
these things in mind:
1) Will it hold the type and size of paper you want to use
without slipping out of place?
2) Can paper be torn off without considerable trouble?
3) Will it print the character pitch that you want (it should
print in condensed, elite, and pica modes)?
API Supported Printers
To ease some of the problems associated with selecting a printer,
API tests certain printers to determine if they meet the
requirements to make them acceptable for printing receipts. As we
select printers, we will provide both sales support and programming
support. By programming support, we mean we will provide printer
drivers to make the best use of the printer as possible. The user
will be able to select the individual drivers within the REGIT
Point-of-Sale program.
Currently, we support the ALPS ASP 1000 printer as an excellent
choice for printing sales receipts. This 80-column parallel
printer is both IBM and EPSON compatible and prints in condensed,
elite, pica, double wide, bold, draft and letter quality modes. It
has an excellent paper guide track that will feed paper down to 3
1/2 inches wide, allowing you to use standard cash register/adding
machine paper rolls for your receipts. Additionally, the printer
provides a perfectly positioned paper tearing mechanism directly
past the printhead. This allows receipts to be ripped off without
long blank spaces and without wasting paper. Best of all, this
printer is priced exceptionally low (under $250 at this writing).
API provides sales support for this printer to its customers.
Ordering information and additional information on the ALPS ASP
1000 (or the currently supported printer(s)) is provided when
registering or available upon request.
For those who would rather use a dedicated type printer, we are in
the final stages of securing a source for two of these types.
Additional information will be provided upon request or at
Printer Port
All printing (for both receipts and reports) is directed to LPT1
(PRN). If you wish to print using another parallel port or a
serial port, then redirect your printing using the DOS MODE Command
(See your DOS manual - MODE Commands for detailed information on
redirecting your printing).
To choose a receipt format, select [Default] -> [Receipt Format]
from the Menu. Receipt printing options cover three screens of
selections. We will discuss each selection as it will appear on
your monitor. You may use the [Page Up] and [Page Down] keys to go
directly between the screens, or the [Up] and [Down] arrow keys to
go between selections. Press the [Escape] key when your selections
are as you want them. You will then be asked if you want to save
your changes before you are returned to the Menu.
Print Sales Receipts
The first choice you must make is if you want to print sales
receipts. If you select [NO], the cash register operation will
proceed normally without printing receipts. If you select [YES],
you must have a printer hooked up and turned on during cash
register operation.
Paper Width/Pitch
Your next two choices are to select the paper width you will use
and the character pitch (condensed, elite, or pica) to be printed.
These choices will affect the format of the sales receipt you can
use. Refer to the following chart to help make your selection:
Paper Receipt Char Print Formats
Width Pitch Print Width Width Available
1.5 - 2.5" Condensed 1.25" 22 #1
1.5 - 2.5" Elite 1.25" 15 #1
1.5 - 2.5" Pica 1.5" 15 #1
2.5 - 3.5" Condensed 2.25" 40 #1,#2
2.5 - 3.5" Elite 2.25" 28 #1
2.5 - 3.5" Pica 2.25" 22 #1
3.5 - 4.5" Condensed 3.25" 56 #1,#2,#3
3.5 - 4.5" Elite 3.25" 40 #1,#2
3.5 - 4.5" Pica 3.25" 33 #1
Full Page Pica only 8.0" 80 Full Page
Lines to Advance After Printing
This selection allows you to automatically advance your printer
paper by a selected number of lines after your sales receipt has
been printed. For your printer, determine how many lines it needs
to advance after printing and enter that number here. The limits
are from 1 to 99 lines.
Select Receipt Format
If you have selected a combination of paper width and pitch that
will allow more than one format, you will be given the option to
chose a format. Refer to the previous chart to see what formats
you may be offered.
Format #1:
Quantity..Nontaxable Item Indicator..Price
Format #2:
Quantity..Nontaxable Item Indicator..Description..Price
Format #3:
Quantity..N/T Indicator..Product Code..Description..Price
Full Page:
Product Code..Description..Quantity..Price..Total
1) Quantity - If a quantity (of more than one) was purchased
and entered by the cashier, that quantity will be shown in the
Quantity column.
2) Nontaxable Item Indicator - If the cashier selected a
certain item to be nontaxable during the transaction, this will be
indicated by an NT in this column.
3) Product Code - The 1 to 16 alphanumeric product code will be
printed in this column.
4) Description - The 0 to 25 character product description will
be printed in this column.
5) Price - The price of the item (or total if a multiple entry)
will be printed in this column.
6) Total - If the full page is selected, the price of an
individual item and the extended total will be shown.
NOTE: See the sales receipt examples at the end of this section to
see how these formats will appear.
Enter a Three Line Sales Receipt Title
You may enter up to three lines for a receipt title to be printed
on you sales receipts. If you do not want a title, or do not need
all three lines, simply leave the lines empty. Empty lines will
not leave blank lines on the receipt.
The allowable width of the title will vary according to the pitch
and size of paper you previously selected. The margin markers
shown on the screen indicate your allowable width. If you enter a
title and then subsequently reduce the printable space on your
receipt by selecting a new width or pitch, you will have to enter
your title again. If you select a width or pitch that allow more
characters you may need to center the title again.
Leading blanks will be retained, so center your title between the
margin markers exactly as you want it to appear on your receipts.
Enter a Three Line Message
Your entries in these next three lines will be the three line
message printed at the bottom of your sales receipts. If you do
not want a message printed, or do not need all three lines, simply
leave the lines empty.
The allowable width of the message will vary according to the pitch
and size of paper currently selected. The margin markers shown on
the screen indicate your allowable width. If you enter a message
and then subsequently reduce the printable space on your receipt by
selecting a new width or pitch, you will have to enter your message
again. Again, if you increase the allowable characters, you may
need to center your message.
Leading blanks will be retained, so center your message between the
margin markers exactly as you want it to appear on your receipts.
Customer Name and Address Printed On Receipt
If you select [YES] and the following conditions are met, then the
customer's name and address will be printed on the receipt:
1) The paper width and pitch you selected will allow more
than 30 characters to be printed per line (see chart).
2) The Use Customer File option was selected from the
[Default] -> [Cash Register Operation] Menu selection.
3) The customer's name and address were entered, or
retrieved from the customer file, by the cashier, at some time
during the transaction.
Printer Codes
Currently, you have two choices for printer codes. The first
choice is [OFF]. This means that only ASCII characters are sent to
the printer. No unique printer control codes, except line feeds,
are sent to the printer. This allows most any printer to be used,
as most printers pretty much print ASCII characters universally.
The drawback is that you will not be able to change between pica,
elite, and condensed pitch through the software selection. This is
not as bad as it sounds, as almost every printer has a hard switch
located somewhere on the printer that lets you switch to the pitch
you want. In some cases you may find that it is also necessary to
adjust the line feed (LF) or carriage return (CR) hard switch to
get the line feed to work correctly.
The second selection is for the ALPS ASP 1000. This printer can be
switched between EPSON FX-85 and IBM Graphics Printer compatible.
The printer codes used in this selection are the EPSON. This means
that the ALPS ASP 1000 selection will also work for most any
printer that is EPSON compatible. However, even all EPSON printers
do not use the exact same codes. Try it out, if the codes work
with your printer, then use them. If they do not, switch the
printer codes [OFF].
If you use your printer's hard switches to set your pitch, you must
still make the correct pitch default selection on your screen so
the program will know the correct spacing to use.
If you select the ALPS ASP 1000 printer codes (EPSON compatible),
the program sends pitch changing codes to the printer during the
transition between the Menu and the cash register selection. Also,
when you leave the cash register and return to the Menu, your
printer will returned to the standard (pica) pitch. Your printer
must be hooked up, on line, and ready to print during the
transition to the cash register to receive the pitch instruction.
If it is not, you will receive a message to do so. Also, if you
turn your printer off while using the cash register, the printer
will return to its default settings and you will need to make the
transition back to the Menu to reset the printer. You will here
your printer adjusting and testing as you transition between the
Menu and cash register. If the receipt function or printer codes
are turned off, no adjusting or testing of the printer will be made
during the transition.
The following chart displays the print codes used by the REGIT
program when the printer codes are set to [ALPS ASP 1000]:
Code Decimal Hex Function
-------- --------- ------- ------------------
Esc P 27,80 1B,50 Pica Pitch
Esc M 27,77 1B,4D Elite Pitch
Esc SI 27,15 1B,0F Condensed Pitch
DC2 18 12 Deactivate Condensed
Esc j 27,106 1B,6A Reverse line feed
Print a Sample Receipt
If you select [YES], an example of a sales receipt using your
selections will be sent to your printer.
Our Favorite Sales Receipt
Our favorite sales receipt uses receipt format #2 (so the product
descriptions are printed), 3.5" to 4.5" paper (we use the standard
3 7/8" tape available at most stationary and office supply stores),
and the elite pitch. This is an excellent combination for the ALPS
ASP 1000 printer.
The following examples show some of the formats available. These
examples are not to scale and are not printed in the appropriate
║ ║
║ ║
║ 01/08/1990 ║
║ 12:45:07 ║
║ ║
║ 3.99 ║
║ 2 NT 8.50 ║
║ 1289.00 ║
║ 33.98 ║
║ ║
║ STOTAL 1335.47 ║
║ TAX 79.62 ║
║ TOTAL 1415.09 ║
║ TEND 1415.09 ║
║ CHNG 0.00 ║
║ ║
║ ║
Format #1
║ ║
║ 2210 E. Highland Ave.,#103-232 ║
║ San Bernardino, CA 92404-4629 ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ 01/08/1990 ║
║ 12:45:07 ║
║ ║
║ 3.99 ║
║ 2 NT 8.50 ║
║ 1289.00 ║
║ 33.98 ║
║ ║
║ SUBTOTAL 1335.47 ║
║ TAX 79.62 ║
║ TOTAL 1415.09 ║
║ TENDERED 1415.09 ║
║ CHANGE 0.00 ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ Phone: 555-1212 ║
║ ║
Format #1
║ ║
║ ║
║ Empire Computer Center ║
║ 2210 E. Highland Ave.,#103-232 ║
║ San Bernardino, CA 92404-4629 ║
║ ║
║ 06/12/1990 ║
║ 12:11:10 ║
║ ║
║ 2 Labels, mailing, 1000 ea 8.98 ║
║ Print Paper, 8.5" by 11" 29.99 ║
║ Dust Cover, Computer 7.49 ║
║ ║
║ SUBTOTAL 46.46 ║
║ TAX 2.79 ║
║ TOTAL 49.25 ║
║ TENDERED 60.00 ║
║ CHANGE 10.75 ║
║ ║
║ *Thank you for shopping at the Empire* ║
║ If you have any questions feel free to ║
║ Phone: (714) 555-1212 ║
║ ║
║ ║
Format #2
║ ║
║ ║
║ Empire Computer Center ║
║ 2210 E. Highland Ave.,#103-232 ║
║ San Bernardino, CA 92404-4629 ║
║ ║
║ 06/12/1990 ║
║ 12:11:10 ║
║ ║
║ 0912348763987654 Labels, mailing, 1000 ea 8.98 ║
║ 09949506 Print Paper, 8.5" by 11" 29.99 ║
║ 05568493 Dust Cover, Computer 7.49 ║
║ ║
║ SUBTOTAL 46.46 ║
║ TAX 2.79 ║
║ TOTAL 49.25 ║
║ TENDERED 60.00 ║
║ CHANGE 10.75 ║
║ ║
║ *Thank you for shopping at the Empire* ║
║ If you have any questions feel free to ║
║ Phone: (714) 555-1212 ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
Format #3
║ ║
║ 210 E. Highland Ave., #103-232 San Bernardino, CA 92404-4629 ║
║ Call use anytime at (714) 555-1212 ║
║ ║
║ Jack P. Example ║
║ 1218 South 38th Street ║
║ Exampleville, CA 99999 ║
║ ║
║ 06/12/1990 11:50:27 ║
║ ║
║ Product Code Description Quantity Price Total ║
║ ------------------------------------------------------------ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ 0912348767654 Labels, mailing 8.98 8.98 ║
║ 09949506 Print Paper 29.99 29.99 ║
║ 05568493 Dust Cover, Computer 7.49 7.49 ║
║ 0897644442 Staples 5 1.49 6.49 ║
║ ║
║ SUBTOTAL 46.46 ║
║ TAX 2.79 ║
║ TOTAL 49.25 ║
║ TENDERED 60.00 ║
║ CHANGE 10.75 ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ Thank you for shopping at are Summer Office Sale! ║
║ We also make copies for only 5 cents each. ║
║ ║
Full Page Format
Note: The full page layout takes an entire 80-columns,
but has been reduced here to fit between the page
Entering the Sales Tax Rate
Select [Default] -> [Sales Tax] from the Menu to engage (or
disengage) the automatic sales tax function. After selecting [ON]
to engage the function, you will be asked to enter the sales tax
Two methods can be used to enter the sales tax. For example, if
the tax rate is to be 6.5%, then you may enter either:
>>6.5 << or >>.065 <<
Determining the Rounding Method
Next you must decide how you want the tax to be rounded. The
program will ask for the rounding method:
If [ROUND UP] is selected, the customer will be charged an entire
cent for any portion of a cent owed. For example, if the tax rate
is 6.5% and the customer's purchase is for $11.25, the tax owed
would be $.73125 (73.125 cents). This would be rounded up by the
program to $.74 (74 cents).
If [ROUND DOWN] is selected, the customer will not be charged until
an entire cent is owed. For example, if the tax rate is 6.5% and
the customer's purchase was for $11.50, the tax owed would be
$.7475 (74.75 cents). This would be rounded down by the program to
$.74 (74 cents).
If [ROUND .5 AND ABOVE UP] is selected, the tax owed will be
rounded to the nearest cent. That is, any calculation showing the
tax owed to be one half cent ($.005 or .50 cents) or above will be
charged the entire cent. Any calculation showing the tax owed to
be less than one half cent ($.0049 or .49 cents) will not be
charged for the cent.
The rounding method you select should depend on the laws of your
state. Call your appropriate state office to determine the correct
method. You may have a little trouble finding someone who knows!
So lets discuss an alternate method for determining how your state
chooses to round. The method involves the use of the tax schedules
that are published by the states to assist businesses in
calculating sales tax applicable to taxable transactions.
As an example, we will use the "State of California 6% Sales Tax
Reimbursement Schedule, Civil Code Section 1656.1", effective April
1, 1974, Appendix G to Regulation 1700. Any schedule will do,
Move down the table and multiply a few of the brackets breaking
point by 6% (.06) and compare what 6% actually is to the amount of
sales tax listed. Here is a good example from the schedule that
shows both the upper and lower limits:
Transaction Tax
----------- ---
10.75-10.91 .65
So the State of California says to charge $.65 if the transaction
falls within the range of $10.75 to $10.91. Multiply out the lower
break point:
.06 X 10.75 = .645
Six percent of 10.75 is only sixty-four and one half cents.
However, the state schedules says to charge a full sixty-five
cents. So we now know that the state either rounds everything up
or rounds .5 and above up (to the nearest penny). Let's check the
upper break point and find out:
.06 X 10.91 = .6546
We can now clearly see that California does not round everything
up, but rounds to the nearest penny. So we should select [ROUND .5
AND ABOVE UP]. All transactions will then result in sales tax
charges identical to the amount that would be charged if we were
using the State's 6% Tax Schedule.
Note: If you need assistance with this, send API a copy of your
state's tax schedule and we will determine your state's
rounding method.
Selecting/Changing Your Password
Select [Default] -> [Password] off the Menu to engage (or
disengage) the password function. If the password has been
previously set, you will need to enter it before access is allowed.
Once you select [ON] to engage the password function, you will need
to choose a password. The password can be any four characters,
numbers, or letters.
What is Password Protected
The password does not affect the normal operation of the cash
register. An employee/cashier should normally not need to gain
access to any programs that are password protected. The password
is needed to gain access to the programs that can change the
product database, change the historical sales and sales tax totals,
change default settings (except screen colors), and view or print
sales reports. Specifically, the following features are protected:
1) All Utility programs including the Extended Utilities.
(File Access, Inventory Adjust, Price Adjust, and Clear
Sales, Update Master, Combine Customer Files).
2) All Default programs (Cash Register Operation, Receipt
Format, Sales Tax, and Password).
3) All Sales Reports (Daily, Annual/Month/Day, Cashier/Dept,
Trnactn/Ratios, and Printout).
4) The Sales Report screen, available during cash register
operation using the F3 function key, is also disabled when
the password function is engaged.
Entering the Password
When you make a selection from the REGIT Menu that is password
protected, you will be required to enter the correct password
before access will be made. The program will prompt:
You will not see your password as you enter it. One asterisk (*)
will appear for each character that you have entered. If you enter
the wrong password you will receive an "ACCESS DENIED" message.
After three attempts without entering the correct password, you
will be returned to the Menu.
Preventing Password Protection
If you do not want to password protect your files, you may wish to
prevent an employee from accidently or purposely locking you out by
password protecting your files. You can do this by simply removing
the program that creates the password from your directory. First
change to the REGIT directory, then delete the file SYS5.TBC as
If later you decide you want to password protect your files, you
can copy SYS5.TBC back into the REGIT directory from your original
program disk.
You Forgot Your What?
If you forget your password, you may decode it by following this
1) From the root directory change to the REGIT directory.
2) At the DOS prompt, enter the command:
3) You will see something similar to this scroll onto your
screen (the numbers and data will be different):
1 3 15 6.5E-002 0 5
72 69 76 80
Business Name
General Merchandise
0 0 5 0 0
The four numbers on the second line (the line above the row of
asterisks) are the decimal ASCII equivalents for your password.
Use this partial ASCII chart to decode your password. In the above
example, the password would decode to HELP.
# character # character
--- --------- --- ---------
33 ! 69 E
34 " 70 F
35 # 71 G
36 $ 72 H
37 % 73 I
38 & 74 J
39 ' 75 K
40 ( 76 L
41 ) 77 M
42 * 78 N
43 + 79 O
44 , 80 P
45 - 81 Q
46 . 82 R
47 / 83 S
48 0 84 T
49 1 85 U
50 2 86 V
51 3 87 W
52 4 88 X
53 5 89 Y
54 6 90 Z
55 7 91 [
(chart continued on next page)
56 8 92 \
57 9 93 ]
58 : 94 ^
59 ; 95 _
60 < 96 `
61 = 123 {
62 > 124 |
63 ? 125 }
64 @ 126 ~
65 A
66 B
67 C
68 D
The Menu's [Screen] selection takes you to the color select option.
If you have a monochrome monitor, you will receive the message:
-- Monochrome Monitor --
No adjustment to the screen output is possible and you will return
to the Menu. If your monitor is capable of displaying colors (or
shades), then you will enter the REGIT -- COLOR SELECT program.
Instructions for changing the colors are displayed on your monitor.
You must select colors for three categories; letters, background,
and boxes.
The letters category controls the color of the letters and symbols
on your monitor, the background category controls the background
color, and boxes category controls the color of the highlighted
areas on the monitor. As you select colors, the screen will
reflect those selections. This immediate feedback allows you to
browse through the colors and experiment with different color
combinations. Be careful not to assign the same color to the
letters and the background or you won't be able to see the letters.
After you have selected a screen that pleases you, press the
[Escape] key to return to the Menu. Your color selections will now
become the default colors and will be displayed until the next time
they are changed.
It is important that you back up your files. The easiest way to do
this is to just create another directory and copy the REGIT
directory to it. However, this will not protect you against a hard
disk crash. To get the best backup protection you should
periodically copy your files to a floppy. How you do this depends
on how big your files are, and the type of floppy drives you have.
If your files are small enough and your drives are big enough, you
can simply copy the files to a backup disk. If the files are
larger than the drive capacity, then you will need to backup the
entire REGIT directory using the DOS BACKUP and RESTORE commands
(see your DOS manual).
The files that should be backed up are all the files with a .LOG or
.REG extension:
4) TRANACTN.LOG (if using)
11) CUSTOMER.REG (if using customer data file)
More experienced users will probably wish to create a batch file
using the XCOPY/M command to make the backup easy.
REGIT Point-of-Sale Program & Text Files
10) SYS3.TBC
11) SYS4.TBC
12) SYS5.TBC
13) SYS6.TBC
14) SYS7.TBC
15) SYS8.TBC
16) SYS9.TBC
17) SYS10.TBC
18) SYS11.MCH
19) SYS12.MCH
20) SYS13.MCH
21) SYS14.TBC
* Not moved to hard disk during installation.
REGIT Point-of-Sale Data Files
* May not be on disk if related function is not being used.
These three data files contain the product code numbers and the
index pointers to the corresponding product's disk database
location (in the DATABASE.REG data file). The files are loaded and
kept in RAM during cash register operation.
A random access disk data file that stores the current product
information. Each record is 71 bytes:
Field Length
----- ------
Product description 25 bytes
Product Price 8 bytes
Current inventory 9 bytes
Reorder quantity 9 bytes
Annual sales quantities 9 bytes
Monthly sales quantities 9 bytes
Valid record indicator 2 bytes
Total Record Length 71 bytes
DAY.LOG Data File
A sequential data file containing the daily sales totals, daily
sales tax totals, daily number of transactions, the sales totals
by cashier/department, and sales totals by type of sale (cash,
check, credit, and other CATs).
A sequential data file containing monthly sales totals,
monthly sales tax totals, and monthly number of transactions.
A sequential data file containing annual sales totals, annual
sales tax totals, and annual number of transactions.
This sequential data file contains your default parameters, such as
colors, screen business title, tax rate, serial port selections,
A sequential data file containing your default receipt format
A sequential data file containing the transaction log.
A random access data file containing the customer data file. Each
record is 92 bytes:
Field Length
----- ------
Customer address line #1 30 bytes
Customer address line #2 30 bytes
Customer address line #3 30 bytes
Valid record indicator 2 bytes
Total Record Length 92 bytes
1) Length of product code: 16 characters
2) Length of product description: 25 characters
3) Single product price: $999,999.99
4) Single inventory quantity: -999,999 to 9,999,999
5) Reorder point: -999,999 to 9,999,999
6) Single product annual sales: -999,999 to 9,999,999
7) Single product monthly sales: -999,999 to 9,999,999
8) Number of products: 12,000 (with 640 Kbyte memory)
8,000 (with 512 Kbyte memory)
9) Customers in customer data file: 10,000
10) Line entries in one transaction: 500